Ārstniecības krēsls (ELEKTRISKS) tiek izmantots mutes un sejas žokļu ķirurģijā, zobu ķirurģijā, oftalmoloģiskajā ķirurģijā, vienas dienas ķirurģijā un AMD - mākulas deģenerācijas ārstēšanā. Dažādās krāsās
Samaksas kārtība (priekšapmaksa/pēcapmaksa): https://www.zeimans.lv/noteikumi/
Iegādājoties preces vairumā, cenas tiek atrunātas ar katru klientu atsevišķi.
Cena norādīta ar PVN
Apmaksas veids - priekšapmaksa.
Bezmaksas piegāde līdz ārdurvīm.
Lielgabarīta preču ienešana/uznešana virs 30 kg - EUR 20 par vienību un EUR 10 par stāvu (kopējā ienešanas/uznešanas cena atkarīga no vienību un stāvu skaita). Par ienešanas/uznešanas nepieciešamību, veicot pasūtījumu www.zeimans.lv, aizpildot rekvizītus - par stāvu skaitu informēt komentāru sadaļā.
EN ISO 13485:2016
EN ISO 13485:2016/AC:2016
Krēsli tiek ražoti katram klientam individuāli (šādas preces tiek ražotas pēc pasūtījuma, jo šī ir specifiska medicīnas ierīce ar individuāli izvēlētu krāsu). Krēsls tiek ražots Eiropā.
Pasūtot preci - komentāru sadaļā ierakstiet vēlamo krēsla krāsu.
- Treatment chair is used in oral and maxillofacial surgery, dental surgery, ophthalmic surgery, one-day surgery and the treatment of AMD - macular degeneration (intravitreal injections).
- Thanks to its functionality and additional equipment, it ensures high comfort of the patient's stay.
- Seat height adjustment is carried out using an electric column,
- adjustment of the inclination angles of the backrest, seat and lower leg segments is done by means of electric actuators.
- A headrest is installed in the backrest section.
- The headrest of the chair is made of a special polyurethane casting that stabilizes the patient's head through a special recess. The headrest of the chair is adjustable in several planes to minimize the possibility of moving the head during treatments.
- Due to its multifunctionality, it is very often used as a one-day surgery chair.
- The chair's running gear is equipped with a chassis with central wheel lock.
- Segments of the seat, backrest and lower legs are upholstered.
- The base of the armchair, the backrest segment and the seat segment have covers made of ABS plastic.
- In the seat and backrest segment, the armchair has euro strips for mounting the necessary equipment.
- Alternatively, instead of polyurethane armrests, the armchair can be equipped with side rails.
- The chair can be controlled with a wired remote control or a foot panel.
- The armchair is equipped with a control with an individual program. The system allows you to perform selected functions with one button, such as the starting position, Trendelenburg and programming the favorite position.

Total length, mm | 2180 ± 20 |
Total width, mm | 875 ± 20 |
Seat width, mm | 620 ± 20 |
Height adjustment range, mm | 575 do 925 ± 10 |
Adjustment of backrest segment, ° | 80° ± 2° |
Trendelenburg position, ° | – 13° |
Antitrendelenburg position, ° | – 3° |
Angular adjustment of the lower leg segment, ° |
– 73° |
Dimensions of the top side, mm | 248 x 348 (± 10) |
Themaximumpermissible load, kg | 250 |
Themaximumload of the table top, kg | 10 |
Pirkumu grozs
Pirkumu grozs ir tukšs.