Testi A+B gripas antigēna noteikšanai / SCREEN TEST FLU A/B /, 20 gab.
Samaksas kārtība (priekšapmaksa/pēcapmaksa): https://www.zeimans.lv/noteikumi/
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Cena norādīta ar PVN
Bezmaksas piegāde.
Rapid test for the qualitative detection of the Influenza A and
Influenza B virus on samples of nasal swab, throat swab or nasal
aspirate. The Influenza A + B rapid test is a rapid
immunochromatographic test for the qualitative identification of
influenza A and B antigens on nasal, pharyngeal or nasal aspirate swab
samples. It is intended to assist in the rapid differential diagnosis of
viral infections of influenza A and B. Influenza is an acute, highly
contagious viral infection of the respiratory tract. It is a highly
transmissible contagious disease through coughing and sneezing from
suspended droplets containing the live virus. The peak of the flu
usually occurs during the winter and autumn months each year. Type A
viruses are usually more prevalent than type B and associated with more
serious influenza outbreaks, while type B infections are usually milder.
The gold standard for laboratory diagnosis is culture at 14 days with
one of a variety of cell lines that can support the growth of the
influenza virus. Cell cultures have limited clinical utility, since the
results are obtained too late in the clinical course for an effective
intervention on the patient. The Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain
Reaction (RT_PCR) is a newer and generally more sensitive culture method
with better detection rates than a 2-23% culture. However, RT-PCR is
expensive, complex and must be performed in specialized laboratories.
The rapid test for Influenza A + B (Swab/Nasal Aspirate) qualitatively
identifies the presence of influenza A and / or B antigen on nasal swab,
pharyngeal or nasal aspirate samples, providing results in 15 minutes.
The test uses specific antibodies for Influenza A and Influenza B to
selectively identify the antigen of Influenza A and / or B on samples of
nasal swab, pharyngeal or nasal aspirate. The rapid test for Influenza A
+ B (Swab/Nasal Aspirate) is a qualitative lateral scrolling
immunoassay for the identification of influenza A and B nucleopreoteins
on nasal, pharyngeal or nasal aspirate swab samples. In this test, an
antibody specific to the nucleoproteins of Influenza A and Influenza B
separately covers the areas of the test line on the support. During the
test, the extracted sample reacts with the antibody to Influenza A and /
or B which covers the particles. The compound migrates upwards on the
membrane to react with the antibody to Influenza A and / or B on the
membrane and generate one or two colored lines in the test areas. The
presence of this colored line on one or both test areas indicates a
positive result. As a procedural control, a line always appears in the
test control zone if it has been performed correctly.
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