SCREEN TEST MIOG./TROP. (troponin)/CK-MB, troponīna testi. 40 gab.
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Cena norādīta ar PVN
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Troponīna testi.
Rapid test for the diagnosis of myocardial infarction (MI) to
qualitatively detect cardiac Myoglobin, CK-MB and Troponin I (c Tnl) in
whole blood, serum or plasma. For professional in vitro diagnostic use
only. The Myoglobin/CK-MB/Troponin I Combo Rapid Test Cassette (Whole
Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a rapid immunoassay for the qualitative detection
of human cardiac Myoglobin, CK-MB and Troponin I (c Tnl) in whole
blood, serum o plasma and assists in the diagnosis of myocardial
infarction (MI). Myoglobin (MYO), Creatinine Kinase MB (CK-MB) and
cardiac Troponin I (cTnl) are proteins released into the bloodstream
following heart damage. Myoglobin is a hemoprotein normally present in
heart muscle and skeletal muscle with a molecular weight of 17.8 kDa.
Myoglobin (MYO), Creatinine Kinase MB (CK-MB) and cardiac Troponin I
(cTnl) are proteins released into the bloodstream following heart
damage. Myoglobin is a hemoprotein normally present in heart muscle and
skeletal muscle with a molecular weight of 17.8 kDa. When muscle cells
are damaged, myoglobin is rapidly released into the blood due to its
relatively small size. Myoglobin level increases measurably above the
reference standard in the 2-4 hours following the heart attack, peaking
after 9-12 hours and returning to the standard value in 24-36 hours.2,3
CK-MB is a enzyme also present in heart muscle, with a molecular weight
of 87.0 kDa.4 Creatinine Kinase is a dimeric molecule formed by two
subunits called “M” and “B” which combine to form three different
isoenzymes: CK-MM , CK-BB and CK-MB. CK-MB is the creatinine kinase
isoenzyme most involved in the metabolism of cardiac muscle tissues. The
release of CK-MB into the blood following IM can be detected in the 3-8
hours following the onset of symptoms. It peaks in 9-30 hours and
returns to standard levels in 40-72 hours. Cardiac Troponin I is a
protein found in heart muscle with a molecular weight of 22.5 kDa7.
Troponin I is part of a complex of three subunits that includes Troponin
T and Troponin C. Together with tropomyosin, this structural complex
forms the main component that regulates the activity of actomyosin
Calcium-ATpase in striated skeletal muscle and cardiac. Following heart
damage, Troponin I is released into the blood in the 4-6 hours following
the onset of pain. The Troponin I delivery system is similar to that of
CK-MB, but while CK-MB levels return to normal after 72 hours, Troponin
I remains elevated for 6-10 days, thus providing a wider detection
window for heart damage. The Myoglobin/CK-MB/Troponin I Combo Rapid Test
Cassette (Whole Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a simple test that uses a
combination of antibody-coated particles and captures reagents to
qualitatively detect Myoglobin, CK-MB and Troponin I (c Human cardiac
Tnl) in whole blood, serum or plasma. The minimum detection level is 50
ng/mL for Myoglobin, 5 ng/mL for CK-MB and 0.5 ng/mL for Troponin I. The
Myoglobin/CK-MB/Troponin I Combo Rapid Test Cassette (Whole
Blood/Serum/Plasma) is a qualitative, membrane-based immunoassay for the
detection of cardiac Myoglobin, CK MB and Cardiac Troponin I (c Tnl) in
whole blood, serum or plasma. The membrane is pre-coated with specific
antibodies in each of the regions of the test line. During the test, the
whole blood, serum or plasma sample reacts with the particle coated
with specific antibodies. The compound migrates chromatically upwards on
the membrane by capillary action to react with the specific reagents on
the membrane and generate a colored line. The presence of this colored
line in the specific region of the test line indicates a positive
result, while its absence indicates a negative result. As a procedural
control, a colored line always appears in the control zone to indicate
that the amount of sample used is sufficient and the membrane has been
soaked correctly.
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