Multi Drug Test Hair. 20 gab.
Samaksas kārtība (priekšapmaksa/pēcapmaksa):
Iegādājoties preces vairumā, cenas tiek atrunātas ar katru klientu atsevišķi
Cena norādīta ar PVN
Bezmaksas piegāde.
The hair Drug Test is a quick test for the qualitative detection of
cotinine, methannphetamines, morphine/opiate and cocaine in the human
hair. Only for medical professional use. The quick hair test has unique
advantages in the field of rapid anti-drug tests. The hair can provide
information on the taking of substances that are not yet available in
the long term in other biological samples such as blood and urine. The
hair sample is relatively easy to withdraw, to be transported and
preserved for long periods of time. The slow metabolism of the
substances in the hair allows a long-term persistence, these factors
provide better conditions for detecting substances. Cotinine (COT):
Cotinine is the metabolite of the first degree of nicotine, a toxic
alkaloid that produces stimulation of autonomous ganglia and central
nervous system in humans. Nicotine is a substance that potentially every
member of a tabby company is exposed, by direct contact or passive
inhalation. In addition to tobacco, nicotine is also available on the
market as an active ingredient of smoke replacement therapies such as
tires, transdermal patches and nicotine nasal sprays. Metamfetamine (MET):
Metamphetamine is a stimulating substance that energetically activates
some brain systems. Metamphetamine is very similar to amphetamine, but
its effects on the central nervous system are greater. Metamphetamine is
produced in illegal laboratories and has a high potential for abuse and
addiction. The substance can be taken orally, injected or inhaled. High
acute doses induce excessive stimulation of the central nervous system,
euphoria, lucidity, reduced appetite and a sense of greater energy and
power. Cardiovascular reactions to methamphetamine include an increase
in blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmias. More acute reactions cause
anxiety, paranoia, hallucinations, psychotic behavior and finally
depression and exhaustion. morphine (MOP): The
oppiaceo term refers to any substance derived from the opium poppy,
including natural products, morphine, codeine and semi-synthetic
substances such as heroin. The term opium is more generic and refers to
any substance that acts as opioid receptor. Opioid analgesics include a
vast group of substances that control the pain sewing the SNC. High
doses of morphine can produce high levels of tolerance, physiological
dependence and can lead to the abuse of the substance. Morphine is
eliminated without metabolized and is also the main metabolic product of
Codeine and heroin. Cocaine (COC): Cocaine is a powerful
stimulant of the central nervous system and a local anesthetic.
Initially due to extreme energy and restlessness that but gradually
become tremor, hypersensitivity and spasms. Cocaine, taken at high
doses, causes fever, loss of sensitivity, difficulty breathing and loss
of consciousness. Cocaine is often self-release for nasal inhalation,
intravenous injection and free base smoke.
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